
Monday, 10 May 2010

22 Resolutions

People usually make a list of resolutions and things on New Year's Eve, start them cheerfully on the first day of the year, and usually let it die again within three weeks afterwards.

Though I make resolutions all year through which I usually kill within three weeks, I'm going to try and give it more effort than usual to actually pull this birthday-resolution-list through. So that it'll maybe last long enough to turn into a habit, and from habit into a life style.

Positivity; That's the keyword for all of them. Or is it Optimism?
Either way, both sound nice. xD

The Gypsy

1 comment:

  1. And again, happy birthday! : D
    22 resolutions, aye? o.o Hopefully they indeed last longer than the 3 weeks! x'D
