
Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Four down, two to go.

Got some bad news health wise, which might be ruining my mood if I let it get to me.

Otherwise I've been alright. Stressed, because of exams, but alright. =)
Poetry went pretty well, for a poetry exam. I are hopeful. Woot.

What else happened?
Oh, foreign-muslim-ladies-stuck-married-to-Egyptians, that club mum's part of, got together and rented a place for meetings and other activities (spanish classes, chinese classes, sewing lessons... Embroidery, cooking, and I don't know what else xD)
They had a sort of welcome cutting-the-ribbon sort of thing, again, with lots of cakes/cookies/goodness. I learned a few more words I can add to my Spanish vocabulary, and I gots taught teh Origami :3 I gots to make these heart flower thingies, they be way cute xD -and according to the Singaporean lady not all that basic a level, but pretty advanced *proud*- lol

Insomnia is getting to me.
Maybe I should really consider those sleeping pills.

The Gypsy.

1 comment:

  1. *snugs* I'mma have a better phone soon, hopefully with a keyboard.
